Funny Asian Guy Naked With Bow Tie Tosh0

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  • - So this is a video to all the ladies .

  • I'm looking for a girlfriend .

  • I just wanted to tell you , I have a six inch penis

  • it doesn 't really matter though

  • because you ' re probably not high enough to get it up .

  • I'm bipolar and schizophrenic

  • and I live with my parents .

  • My sole motivation in life to get a job is to smoke weed .

  • If you date me and we lived together for quite some time ,

  • By the time we ' re 30 or 50, or 40 or 50,

  • my uncles should die off ,

  • we should get like a million dollars .

  • Anybody who thinks I'm hot , hit me out .

  • - Hey , welcome to the bachelor mansion .

  • What was the response from people after they saw that video ?

  • - Some people were just like , Oh man , you rock , you know ?

  • And other people were like , you need to get a job .

  • - Did women reply to the video ?

  • - Yeah , there is actually a, this amateur porn star .

  • She 's like , ' Hey , you should come visit me .'

  • - Ah , no , I actually had some money to do it

  • and I kinda smoked a bunch of weed .

  • - What would be your ideal woman ?

  • She 's gotta have like black hair , straight black hair ,

  • Pale skin , about a C cup .

  • - How much does she weigh ?

  • - Anywhere from like 110 to like 135 at the most .

  • - I have known chicks that looked damn sexy at 135.

  • - Is your penis six inches or is it five and three quarters ?

  • - A little over six inches . - Over six inches ?

  • - Give the girls a little quarter inch to take home with .

  • - A little surprise , a little surprise .

  • - That 's nice , that is nice of you .

  • What was the disorder that you mentioned on there ?

  • - Is it self diagnosed or are you really ?

  • - I'm, I'm very diagnosed .

  • - Oh yeah , yeah , yeah , okay .

  • What would be your perfect date ?

  • - Go to a movie , go to dinner ,

  • and then sit around all night and get stoned

  • I' ve set you up on a few dates ,

  • but before that I want my team of Hollywood stylists

  • to come in and give you a full makeover .

  • Oh my Chris , we have our work cut out for us .

  • - Well , we have four dates set up for ya ,

  • I hope you can find your girlfriend .

  • Let me introduce you to Meghan ,

  • Isn 't she graceful ? Well I hope you have fun on your dates .

  • I'm going to be there to chaperone all of them .

  • Ah , what is your cup size ?

  • - He was very inappropriate .

  • - I didn 't hear a word she said ,

  • I was freaking staring at her candle the whole time .

  • - Did you guys do a background check on this guy ?

  • - So how was your day to day ?

  • - Oh , it was good , thank you .

  • - Ask her how much money she makes .

  • - How much money to you make ?

  • - That 's not important , is it ?

  • - I think she 's good to go .

  • - When you ( beep ) how many ( beep ) do you use ?

  • - I think I'm on the wrong show .

  • - She is way into me and seemed kinda desperate .

  • Are you a fan of anal sex ?

  • - Would I go on a second date with Chris ?

  • - Yeah , I'm definitely attracted to him .

  • He totally has the look I like ,

  • little fuzz here , tight , tight ponytail .

  • - Good thing about her is she didn 't talk much .

  • - Dude , I think I'm dying .

  • You guys are meant for each other .

  • - Okay Chris , you had four dates .

  • Three of them were painfully awkward to be honest

  • but the world wants to know ,

  • have you found your new girlfriend ?

  • - Can I eliminate myself ?

  • - Ladies , something you might be interested to know

  • - Or 40 or 50, my uncle should die off .

  • We should get like a million dollars .

  • - He will be receiving $1 million .

  • - When a man has money , it definitely changes things .

  • - I'm super attracted to him .

  • - Black hair , straight black hair ,

  • blue to gray eyes , pale skin .

  • It had been like banging my ugly sister .

  • This is where the decision became very tough .

  • But I think I'm going to go

  • with the one that I' ve seen mostly naked .

  • - Oh , you guys are going to have such creepy kids .

  • - In case you were wondering how they ' re doing .

  • I don 't want to alarm anybody , but she is dead .

  • There are currently no suspects

  • but Chris is definitely a person of interest .

  • - This is the Armani Kiss .

  • - She uses his weiner as a tiny little tuning fork .

  • That 's the warning sign and lets their kids know daddy 's

  • about to bury his rainbow roll into mommy 's yellow tail .

  • It 's how I greet my staff every morning .

  • Lets them know I still care

  • without crossing any lines .

  • There 's no harmonic quife .

  • Some people just don 't know how to behave in the workplace .

  • - Joanna is just going to relax her lips .

  • And she 's just going to receive my kiss .

  • And she 's feeling all of my energy that we talked

  • about in the touch exercise

  • and the sensation of the softness of my lips against hers .

  • - You can use your lips to kiss .

  • You can use one lip to kiss .

  • You can use your tongue to kiss

  • and you can do all of this just on the outer lips .

  • Before we even go inside .

  • - One of the other things that you can do

  • when you ' re kissing is using your breath

  • and so there 's a blowing that can happen

  • and you can actually even nibble too .

  • - And that 's how it 's done .

  • - Thank you guys for being here .

  • How about a little sugar ?

  • Okay . I need you guys to get off .

  • My legs are falling asleep , okay ?

  • - Date camp sorta like band camp for adults .

  • - Just meaning , not married ?

  • So people show up completely alone

  • and you just pair them up with somebody ?

  • - They get to pair themselves .

  • - How do you make the move to make the first kiss ?

  • Because there 's nothing more embarrassing

  • than going in and the other person does not want to receive .

  • - So if I move towards her a little bit , is she moving back ?

  • Or is she coming to meet me a little bit ?

  • - But if she 's going back ,

  • maybe she wants you to lie on top of her ?

  • - Not likely for a first kiss .

  • - Okay . - If I want you to come in ,

  • I'm at a minimum going to stay right where I'm at .

  • - So basically if you don 't run away , I'm-

  • - If I move back even a fraction ,

  • and this is the first kiss , stop .

  • - It 's tough to be a man , isn 't it ?

  • There 's so much pressure .

  • All you have to do is not move back .

  • - Well we could do the same thing .

  • Let 's say she wants to kiss me .

  • - Although I'm never gonna make the first kiss -

  • - So she moves in a little .

  • - Oh , that 's, that 's a mistake .

  • It 's very , very empowering to be a whore .

  • Is there such thing as too much tongue ?

  • - I enjoy tongue , and it can be too much .

  • It 's not about shoving it in .

  • Now in your original video ,

  • you guys kept your eyes open every time you were making out .

  • Now , to me , that is just creepy .

  • - This is where it goes from just sex

  • to like your whole body experience .

  • - Ah , do you guys work with gay couples ?

  • - I work with gay and lesbian couples

  • and it 's not my personal experience , so it 's not as easy .

  • I haven 't actually walked the path .

  • you should walk that path for a little bit ?

  • Huh ? Wouldn 't it be fun to watch her walk that path ?

  • Oh man , that would be nice .

  • Do you do that tantric sex stuff ?

  • - Does that get boring after a while ?

  • - Don 't you have things to do during the day ?

  • - Oh , there 's plenty of time for good sex .

  • - What 's the least amount of sex

  • a healthy relationship can have ?

  • - I would say a couple of times a week .

  • - I think once , I think once a week is fine . No ?

  • - Oh , probably once every three weeks .

  • - I jog six times a week .

  • - Okay , well there in lies the problem .

  • - But you ' re not having sex for exercise .

  • - To me it 's still , it 's still the same chore .

  • I just want to get to it .

  • - So your not a guy that likes to make women happy ?

  • - I like to make them happy one time , and as quick as I can .

  • a good orgasm or a bad orgasm feel about the same .

  • So to me it 's like , let 's just get this over with .

  • - It 's not all about the sex and the intimacy

  • but it 's all about the sex and the intimacy .

  • Is all about the intimacy and the sex that we share .

  • - I don 't understand that at all .

  • But you did say it three times .

  • - Golden showers , is that something you guys

  • ever talk about in your classes ?

  • Do you guys feel the energy right now ?

  • - Actually , you and I got a good energy going .

  • - I don 't, I don 't disagree with that .

  • - I don 't deny that either .

  • Right you guys were wonderful

  • but I think it 's time for you to try my kiss bootcamp .

  • - Really ? - It 's a little more intense .

  • - All right , kids , I hope you were taking notes .

  • Who wants to give Uncle Daniel a kiss ?

  • Welcome to the Fort Daniel Kiss Academy

  • where the only base we care about on this base

  • - Yes ( indistinct ) Sergeant Dan .

  • - Oh , you think you ' re good at kissing ?

  • I was kissing hookers in ' Nam

  • before your daddy shot you out of his chef .

  • Well , if it isn 't Sanford and Son ?

  • You better wipe that smile off your face

  • Yeah , Private Teagan , Private Sarah .

  • So nice of you to join us .

  • Lucky , for you two ladies we have a do ask ,

  • do tell policy around here .

  • Tie the cherry stem in a knot , please .

  • 58, 59, smooch like you mean it , Maggot .

  • - These are privates , these are lips .

  • These are the screw , and this is the kiss .

  • - Your pants are awfully high Private .

  • - I just think it 's time that we take this relationship

  • - I know , you know what the answer is though .

  • - Okay , wait help me out then .

  • Alexa , will you marry me -

  • - Yeah , I thought it would loosen you up .

  • I can tell that you ' re not really into this .

  • I mean , should I even read the poem ?

  • - I think this can benefit the both of us .

  • and get me to do something nice for you .

  • - You ' re using my ass as currency .

  • - Well , it 's more of a rewards based system .

  • This is a special moment that we can share , together ,

  • - The problem with Butt Box is they ' re easy to counterfeit .

  • I' ve been burned more times than I care to admit .

  • I need to get one of those Butt Butt markers .

  • - [ Jennifer ] Look what 's on our door .

  • - [ Male Voice ] The princess wants to sleep here .

  • - Here 's why you never marry the baby voice girl .

  • - [ Jennifer ] Aww , princess .

  • - Okay , first of all , you ' re not a princess , Jennifer .

  • Princess ' vacation on yachts in the Mediterranean ,

  • not at amusement parks in Anaheim .

  • - [ Jennifer ] Look at my flowers .

  • Why did he not put any water in them ?

  • - My guess is the poor pussy whipped bastard

  • wants them to die just like this relationship .

  • - [ Jennifer ] Holy schmoly .

  • Look at my fantastically fantastic princess sash .

  • - [ Male Voice ] Spectacular , spectacular .

  • I never know how to put a sash on .

  • - [ Male Voice ] Looks right .

  • - Ah ha , now give that to your husband

  • so he can hang himself with it .

  • - Oh , and here 's my scepter .

  • - The only way this is worth it ,

  • is if that scepter ends up in her butt later .

  • It came on a pillow and everything .

  • This bitch better have cancer .

  • Personally , I don 't treat my girlfriend like a princess .

  • I treat her like a queen .

  • Not just on her birthday , every day .

  • - Hey , I can 't find my phone .

  • Will you call it real quick ?

  • I swear by the sword of dragon

  • that the Queen 's name shall never be spoken

  • I'm getting Thai food for dinner .

  • - How can you speak with such disdain ?

  • - I gave my Twitter followers the chance

  • to proclaim their love on TV .

  • As long as they included one thing they wanted

  • to change about their sweetheart

  • in a segment called Be Mine and Be Better .

  • but please stop gossiping while in the car ,

  • it makes me want to drive into oncoming traffic .

  • You don 't gossip while your man is driving a vehicle .

  • Here 's what you do , you sit there quietly ,

  • and about five minutes before you reach your destination

  • you say , Hey , would you like some road head ?

  • I love you but I'm also in love with Swedish Fish .

  • That 's my ( beep ) cha - cha - cha .

  • Swedish Fish got one thing right .

  • I wouldn 't mind an orange .

  • but you got to stop wearing socks to bed .

  • Rachel , take off your socks .

  • I love you Amy but I wish you knew

  • how to make a decent Gravy .

  • Why is gravy capitalized ?

  • Is that how bad her gravy is ?

  • She 's making a subpar gravy .

  • This guy is not asking for an excellent gravy .

  • so he can choke down that dog food you call dinner .

  • - Oh my , you gotta be kidding me .

  • And when a foul ball came screaming towards the cheap seats ,

  • he did the smart thing and moved out of the way .

  • It 's not his fault her reflexes suck .

  • He was actually being considerate of her needs .

  • He would have broken his hand trying to catch it

  • and not been able to pleasure her later .

  • Sorry , if he didn 't jump at the chance to take

  • a line drive to the dome .

  • He 's your boyfriend , not your bodyguard .

  • We already have to open doors , pull out chairs ,

  • carry your stuff , keep promises .

  • Lie about our past , try not to stare at your sister 's boobs .

  • Listen to your awful pointless stories

  • and pretend we don 't think your friends

  • are even more annoying than you are .

  • You want us to cut up your food to ?

  • Sorry , it was getting too close to home .

  • In the old days before women knew about lateral movement

  • men had to lay their jacket down over puddles .

  • Hey , you think I'm going to ruin my Lulu lemon

  • just so you can keep one of your 90 pairs of shoes clean ?

  • Ladies chivalry only exists in train songs .

  • It 's just taking a vacation

  • while you figure out that being equal blows .

  • Rappers have the right idea .

  • Forget all the formalities

  • and pour crystal on bitch 's titties .

  • That 's what they really want anyway .

  • Being a gentleman is simple .

  • Just try not to finish first .

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B1 laughing upbeat music upbeat gravy princess jennifer

The Romantic Side of Tosh - Tosh.0

  • 林宜悉 posted on 2021/03/04


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