Ori and the Blind Forest Continue After End

Table of Contents

  1. Basics
    1. Controls
    2. Skills
  2. Walkthrough
    1. Prologue
    2. Sunken Glades
    3. Hollow Grove
    4. Thornfelt Swamp
    5. Moon Grotto
    6. Gumo's Hideout
    7. Ginso Tree
    8. Escape from Ginso Tree
    9. Thornfelt Swamp
    10. Cells After Bash/Stomp
    11. Valley of the Wind
    12. Misty Woods
    13. Forlorn Ruins
    14. Escape from Forlorn Ruins
    15. Sorrow Pass
    16. Cells After Sorrow Pass/Charge Jump
    17. Mount Horu
    18. Escape from Mount Horu
  3. Abilities
    1. Cyan (Utility) Tree
    2. Purple (Efficiency) Tree)
    3. Orange (Offense) Tree
  4. Achievements
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. End
    1. Credits
    2. Contact Information
    3. Legal Disclaimer

Ori and the Blind Forest

This document is copyright © 2015 Andrew Testa. All rights reserved.

Game Info
  • Game Name: Ori and the Blind Forest (US)
  • Genre: Action Platformer
  • Platforms: Xbox One, PC
  • Release Date: March 11, 2015
  • Mode: Single-player
  • MetaCritic Score: 89

Version History

Version 1.1 (4/2/15): Minor tweaks to the images.

Version 1.0 (4/1/15): Guide completed.



Button Function
Joystick Movement
B Soul Link
A Jump
X Spirit Flame
Y Bash
RT Grab or Glide
LT Charge Jump
Start Opens Main Menu
Select Opens Map
Directional Buttons Navigate Menu
Key Function
WASD Movement
W (Hold) Charge Jump
S (Hold) Stomp
E Soul Link
Space Jump
Left Mouse Button Spirit Flame
Right Mouse Button Bash
Tab Opens Map
Shift Grab or Glide
Escape Opens Main Menu
Arrow Keys Navigate Menu


Spirit Flame: This is Ori's basic attack. It fires flame sparks at nearby targets. You can also fire while running, and it is especially useful to fire while running backwards.

Wall Jump: Allows Ori to jump up walls. You use this all the time in the game; it's key to Ori's movement.

Charge Flame: This is another attack. To use it, you need to hold the attack button. It takes a few seconds to charge up. When you release the attack button, it will explode, destroying everything near you. It can also be used to break walls that glow blue.

Double Jump: Allows Ori to jump twice in the air. This needs to be used creatively most of the time; don't just spam jump twice, but perform the second jump at the end of the first jump.

Bash: Ori flies through a projectile or an enemy. You can aim where Ori goes. Also note that if it's a projectile, the projectile flies in the opposite direction. This is a key gameplay mechanic when you need to destroy walls.

Stomp: Basically a butt-smash. It can be used offensively, but its main function is to destroy weak ground and nail pegs.

Kuro's Feather: Allows Ori to glide through the air. This is especially useful for gliding around thorns.

Climb: Ori can now climb up walls and grab onto walls. Basically replaces Wall Jump because you do not need to constantly tap jump now to go up walls.

Charge Jump: Ori blasts into the sky, going up higher than a normal jump and also destroying any walls or enemies in the jump path.


This section contains a complete walkthrough for Ori and the Blind Forest. By using this guide, you will obtain all Life and Energy Cells and get 100% completion.


The prologue simply consists of moving your character left or right. At the start, move east down to the swallow, then jump over the small log. Continue east and Naru will find Ori, the star of our show. After the small scene, you control Ori now. Head east to leave the cave. Outside, continue east to find Naru. Ori gets on Naru's back, and you control both of them now. Continue east to a small pond, which stops you from going further. But then you witness an amazing, heartfelt cutscene in which Ori and Naru build a bridge! :)

After the scene, you control Ori again, who has a bunch of apples. Go west, over the bridge, and read all of the text as you continue walking. After another scene, you control Naru in the cave. Exit the cave to the east, watch the short scene, then take Ori back, westward, to the cave. After that, there are a few truly sad scenes, and then you have control of Ori in the Sunken Glades.

Sunken Glades

You now have control of Ori exclusively, who has many abilities and movement traits already and also acquires many more as the game progresses. For now, Ori can move and jump. So, to begin, head to the west. At the jump area, note that you have to hold the jump button if you want to go higher, so you need to hold it to get Ori on top. Continue west, drop down to the log, and press down and the jump button to jump down through the log.

Down here, continue west and jump down again. Be sure that you jump down on the west side because at the bottom you'll find the "purple plants." These things can damage you if you touch them, so stay away for now. Down near the purple plants, continue west and jump on each log in the water to get across it. On the other side, you will find a short, circular plant on the ground. We will call these "life plants" because you restore health when you open them. To do this, jump on top of it. For now though, you should have full health.

A healing plant!

Go west from the life plant and jump over the purple plants. You will find Energy Cell #1. This gives you an energy bar to the left of the life bar, and you can use energy to perform certain activities. For now, the only thing you can do with energy is save your game by creating a Soul Link. This not only saves your game, but also respawns you in the exact location that you Soul Linked. You will be Soul Linking a lot in the game, especially before tough obstacles, so try to think of it as a game mechanic more than a save crystal.

After creating the Soul Link, jump down and head to the west. It appears that your way is blocked by a cracked wall, but then a ram pops out of nowhere. The ram can one-shot you if he hits you, and if he does that, you simply respawn at the location where you did a Soul Link, which was right before this. To get past this part, you need to stay near the cracked wall. As the ram gets close, jump high so that the ram does not hit you. Instead, the ram hits the cracked wall, breaking it in the process, and then a rock falls on top of it.

When enemies such as a ram die, they drop Light Spirits. This is basically experience. When you obtain enough Light Spirit, you will be able to pick new abilities. For now, you do not have enough Light Spirit, but you will soon. Continue west and jump up on the big log. Up it, you will find a blue glimmer; when you pick it up, you gain the ability to use Spirit Flame, which is your basic attack.

Blasting purple plants with Spirit Flame.

You'll be using it right here. Go east and you will encounter a new enemy, which I will simply call frogs. This is because what they do is spring up in the air and hop down on you, just as a frog would. The trick to beating them is to not be under them where they land, and to do this, you should simply run right into them. They will hop up in the air and drop down to where you were instead of where you are now. As you do this, repeatedly tap the Spirit Flame button to damage them. You should be able to kill each of them after they hop just once. There are three of them in total, and you receive Light Spirit for each you kill. After you kill all of them, be sure to check under the big log to the west (the one that you just went on). Under it, you will find a Spirit Container, which gives you a boatload of experience.

Continue west. You will come across a hanging plant. For now, all you can do is destroy it with Spirit Flame; it will drop some experience when you destroy it. You need to pick up these orange spheres; they will not gravitate toward you (although there is a low-tier ability that enables this). Also, even though these hanging plants can only be destroyed now, please take note of them. In mid-game, after you get a skill, you will be able to use them for something else. And don't worry; they respawn, just like most other things in the game.

If it hasn't happened already, your Spirit gauge will become full. When this happens, you will gain an ability point, which can be used in the abilities menu. To access this menu, you need to be at a Soul Link (or any place where you can static save). At the Soul Link, tap the Soul Link button again and you will enter the abilities menu. There are three ability trees: an orange (offensive) tree, a purple (efficiency) tree, and a cyan (utility) tree. You can only choose one ability for now, and the choice is entirely yours. You will probably get all of the first-tier abilities pretty early anyway. My personal recommendation is Spirit Magnet, which allows the orbs to float to you. Rekindle is also a good choice because you can reuse Soul Links. And, of course, more firepower with Quick Flame is also useful. Do note, though, that it doesn't really matter because you will be picking up all of them at some point.

The Ability Tree. Earlier levels should be filled out first.

Head east to reach the water again. Just as before, you need to hop on each of the logs to cross back to the other side. But unlike before, there is a slime on the ceiling now. It will shoot three projectiles when it sees you, all in angled directions. You need to dodge the projectiles while tapping Spirit Flame to kill it. When that's done, head across the water. Destroy the purple plants to reveal a wind plant. These plants blow up wind, which allows Ori to fly upward as much as the wind will allow. Before using it though, destroy the purple plants next to the wind plant. Go through the newly-opened area to find a Spirit Well, which is basically a static save point that also fully replenishes your health and energy. These are scattered all about and you should always save/replenish when you see them.

Use the wind plant now. Remember to hold the jump button to fly up even higher. You will land on the wooden pole, with a slime right in front of you. Spirit Flame him down and dodge his projectiles with a small jump in the air. With the slime out of the way, jump up the log and go west to find a hidden area that contains a Spirit Container. From here, go east and jump up on the rock, then jump east to the purple mushroom plant, which is essentially a platform. From here, jump over the thorn plants. These plants cannot be destroy and they hurt a lot, so avoid them at all costs. They will be a bane throughout the game.

Jump up on the hanging log, then jump to the west. Destroy the purple plants blocking your path, then kill the slime. Continue west until you drop down next to a stone. You can move this stone; for now, you should pull it to the west. When you do this, it will reveal a small hidden area. At the end of it, you will find a Keystone. These keystones are used to open gates.

The area with the Keystone.

Head back to the stone and jump up to the hanging log. From here, jump to the west, then destroy the slime. Up here, jump on each of the hanging logs to reach a small area containing the second Keystone. With both of them in hand, drop down and open the Spirit Gate below. Go west and at the signpost, go east. Kill the frog, then jump on the mushroom platforms. Go upward while heading west and grab the Life Cell #1 in the area here.

Go back to the signpost and head west this time. Go down the log, then west, and then down another log. On this level, go east and you will find a Map Stone. We do not have a Map Stone Fragment yet, but make note of this location for when we get it. Also, be sure to grab the Keystone to the east of the Map Stone. Now go back west, up on the log, and continue west, destroying all the purple plants in your way. When you can, drop down. As you drop down the levels, be careful, as there are slimes at two turns. You will also need to clear some purple plants blocking your way.

At the bottom, go west and kill the slime on the wall, then jump over the thorn plants. Continue west and eventually you reach another skill tree. This tree gives you the ability to Wall Jump. With it, you can jump up walls. Do note that this is different from grabbing onto walls; you have to be constantly moving when wall jumping. For your first wall jumping task, go up the wall to the west of the skill tree. Up here, you will find Energy Cell #1, which permanently increases your energy by one cell.

The first Energy Cell, up the wall to the left of the Ancestral Tree.

You now need to do a little backtracking, but it's different because you have the wall jumping capability. So, at the part where you dropped down, you can now jump up the walls and get back up. For beginners, it is important to note that you can also jump away from the wall, as well as jumping up or towards it. You'll need to both jump up walls and then to the side to get back up to the ground level. And, of course, the slimes have respawned, so you need to go slow and kill them before continuing up. Finally, also note that there is a thorn plant halfway up the last wall. You can't get around it, but you can wall jump to the other wall and get up it.

Head west now, killing the slimes and frogs, until you reach an area with rotating spikes above you. There is a stone on your level; push it to the west, kill the frog, and continue pushing it to the end. Before hopping up, be sure to grab the Spirit Container in the secret area to the left. Now go up to the mid-level by jumping on the stone, then wall jump up to reach the level with the rotating purple lever spikes. You will also see a stone. Yes, you need to push the stone past the purple spikes, all the way up to the east. You can stop between each spike and you are safe so long as you aren't in the rotation area of the spike.

When you've pushed the stone all the way to the east, hop on it and then jump up to find the second Keystone. Now jump to the west and wall jump up to the Spirit Container. Go back down, then blast the purple plants. Past them, you will find a lever. Push it to lower a vertical log. You now need to jump on the top of the log, and then jump to the east, to find your first Map Stone Fragment. Beforehand, be sure to kill the slime on the ceiling. And also note that if you fall, you can wall climb on the vertical log to get back up.

Jumping off the vertical log to the right side.

With the Map Stone Fragment, head back to the Map Stone, which is already marked on your map. When you insert it, it will reveal the entire map of Sunken Glades, which will definitely help you traverse the terrain. Now go back up a few levels, then go west to find the Spirit Gate. Insert your two Keystones, then continue west. You will come to a positively terrifying platforming area, but it's actually quite simple. Of course, you need to dodge each of the projectiles that the projectile plants (that's what we're calling them) spits out. Observe that they spit them out at fairly slow rate. You need to wall jump up a level while avoiding the projectiles. You can kind of "hang wall jump" if you wall jump, wait a bit, then wall jump again. Using this knowledge, wall jump up, then jump on each level when the coast is clear. From here, you need to jump over some projectiles to the other side, and wall jump up the opposite wall and repeat the process.

Up the third level, you will find a Keystone up to the northwest. There is also an ability point cell above that, but we won't be able to grab it until mid-game. For now, continue upwards, then go west. You will another projectile plant, but this one is spitting projectiles downward. You need to get up to the platform to the east of the plant, so you need to wall jump up the wall where it is spitting projectiles. To do this, time your initial wall jump, and quickly wall jump to the level.

On this level, go to the east side and you will have more of the same thing: projectile plants spitting projectiles down the wall. You need to get all the way up here, though. And unlike before, there is a little stopper at the top, which means that you will have to wall jump to the wall with the projectile plant and then quickly jump over to the top level. Here, you will find a Keystone below and to the west. It is hovering right above some thorn plants, which makes it seem like a death trap at first. But! You can easily get this one without taking damage. Jump to the far wall and slide down it. When you get close to the thorn plants, wall jump to the other side. You will grab the Keystone, and then you can wall jump on each side and get back up without getting hurt by the thorn plants.

You need to wall jump down, jump through the Keystone, and wall jump back up.

Go west and hop down to the mid-level here. You will see a log platform, which you can drop down from. Do so and collect the Keystone down here. Now wall jump back up to your last location; the log platforms can be jumped up through, as well. Back here, you need to wall jump up to the next Spirit Gate. Unfortunately, there are projectile plants on both walls this time. Look at when they shoot their projectiles and time your wall jumps. You will need to wall jump over to the west side and then back to the east side to avoid plant projectile.

Past the Spirit Gate, go to the center of the area for a cutscene. As you might have guessed, the bulk of our adventure is now spent collecting the three elements from each area. First you have to get to the area, then you have to fight your way through the area to the element, and then you have to release the element. Don't worry, though; you receive many new skills to help you, including quality of life stuff such as double jump and wall grab.

From the Valley of the Wind, go east to reach the Hollow Grove.

Hollow Grove

First, we get a new skill, Charge Flame, which is actually right below you. To get to it, you need to lure the frog over to you and have the frog smash the cracked part of the ground. Basically, get the frog close, then position yourself right on top of the cracked ground, and move just after the frog springs up in the air. With the ground clear, drop down and go to the west to find another tree. You receive the skill Charge Flame from the tree.

Charge Flame uses your energy (the same resource used for Soul Link) and so you probably won't use it that much offensively just because of that. However, Charge Flame is a really powerful skill. Mostly, though, you will be using it to open cracked walls, like the wall to the east on this level. Charge Flame only opens certain cracked walls; it is not your go-to source for cracked walls, and you receive later skills that help you break all walls.

Get the frog to pounce on this cracked ground.

For now, go east and destroy the wall with Charge Flame, then jump on top of the tree stump. Wall jump up the vertical log, then jump to the right. Wall jump up to the lever and push it, which will lower a vertical log on the level above you. Now drop down south of you and you will find a Large Spirit Container near a gate. After that, backtrack to the area with the lowered vertical log, which involves wall jumping back up the hole that you made with the frog.

Here, wall jump up the tree and then jump on top of each vertical log (you can wall jump up the side of them if you miss). At the second vertical log, wait for the multiply slime to come towards you. When you destroy this slime, it will break into two smaller slimes, and then two even smaller slimes, and then two even smaller slimes. The trick to defeating this enemy is to stay away from it and Spirit Flame it while running away from it. For now though, you can safely Spirit Flame it from the log as the enemies won't be able to reach you.

Jump on top of the tree and then drop down to the other side. You encounter another multiply slime here. You have two choices for how to easily defeat it: you can wall jump in the same place while spamming Spirit Flame, or you can jump over it, head to the east, and Spirit Flame it from a distance. Do not Spirit Flame the multiply slime while you are near it as in its big form it is slow and relatively harmless.

Use Flame Charge while on this platform.

Go west to the broken wall, which you can destroy with Charge Flame. Past it, the camera pans to a spider cocoon above you. Wall jump up to the left of it and kill the spider here. The spiders are similar to normal slimes; they fire projectiles and you can dodge them by timing your jumps. After defeating the spider, wall jump up the spider cocoon (it won't hurt you) and then jump to the right of it. From here, jump on the rock above the cocoon and use Charge Flame to destroy the rock holding the cocoon, which will make the cocoon drop. You need to use the cocoon as a platform below you, so drop down to it.

While on top of the cocoon, blast the spider to the left of you. Wait until it fires a projectile, dodge it, then go to the left edge of the cocoon and Spirit Flame it. After killing it, jump to the left side and grab the Energy Cell here. As you can imagine, these things help a lot because they permanently increase your energy resource capacity. Jump back on the cocoon now and jump to the east. Here, run toward the spider while firing at it; its projectiles miss if you are constantly moving.

Continue east to an area with contaminated water. There are wood posts that you can jump on to get across this water, but you also have to worry about the spiders above you and the purple plants on some of the posts. To get past this part, go one platform at a time and destroy everything you can while on that platform. If a spider is firing at you, simply jump up and down to avoid its projectiles.

Wait in the middle until you've killed the purple plants on the platforms.

To the east of the contaminated water, kill the spider and use the wind plants to jump up a level. Kill the slime and destroy all of the purple plants on the stump. Jump from the stump to the wind plants, and use the wind plants to jump to the top of the tree. You need to destroy the purple plants on the top of the tree, and even then, you still can't walk on it because of the thorn plants. However, you can long jump over the top of the tree if you perform a good jump off of the wind plant. To do this, high jump off the wind plant while aiming over the tree.

On the other side, drop down and grab the Map Stone Fragment in the tree, then drop all the way down and backtrack to the other side of the tree stump. From here, continue east while on this level and put the Map Stone Fragment in the Map Stone to reveal the map of this area. We're almost done with this area, however. Use the wind plants back to the west and go on the mid-level to reach the sign post. Time for Thornfelt Swamp.

Thornfelt Swamp

Go east, kill the multiply slime, and wall jump up to the level with the rotating spikes. Push (not pull!) the stone past the rotating spikes, just enough so you can jump over the stone. Now that you can, go east to the Spirit Well and save/replenish. Then, head back to the stone and push it all the way to the left, so the stone is slightly pushed inside the thorn plants. Jump on the stone and then wall jump up. Kill the slime, then continue to wall jump upwards. At the top, head east and watch a small cutscene with the Gumon, who will be your new target for the next leg of the journey because he has the Water Vein. Finally, take note of this location, as the Ginso Tree is here. After you get back the Water Vein, you must return here to continue.

Head eastward, killing the multiply slime along the way, and watch as the Gumon jumps down. As you might have guessed, you need to jump all the way down too, but you should drop down the mid-levels first and grab the energy crystals and life plants. When you drop down the whole way, you encounter a new type of slime which pops up from the ground and shoots at you, then goes back underground. I will call these things ground slimes, and they are rather annoying here because there are so many here.

Do not kill any right now. Instead, go to the west and stand on the broken ground. Wait until the ground slime fires a projectile at you, then move out of the way. This will destroy the broken ground, allowing you to go down and get the Spirit Container. Head back up and go west. You see the Gumon again, who goes through a passage and lowers a wall. You can't destroy this wall with Spirit Flame; instead, you need to use the projectiles of the ground slimes. So, DO NOT kill any ground slimes here. Instead, run past them and jump on top of the platform with the glowing stone. Wait for the ground slime to fire a projectile at you, and then move; the projectile will break the rock and reveal another ground slime hole.

Continue westward and jump on the next glowing platform. And again, position yourself so the ground slime fires a projectile on it, revealing yet another ground slime. Now go to the purple wall that the Gumon put up. Wait near it and move when the ground slime fires at you. The projectile will break the wall allowing you to get through. Go west to reach Moon Grotto.

Moon Grotto

In Moon Grotto, you see the Gumon again, who has gotten past some big purple lasers. As you might have guessed, you need to follow him right past the purple lasers, and the purple lasers one-shot you if they hit you. First, you should look at the timing of the lasers; in particular, the time intervals for when they are not firing and also when they are firing. The second part is actually the key, as you want to jump into the laser as it is going out. This way, you have extra time instead of simply jumping after the laser is out.

Run like mad across the laser floor when the laser is turned off.

The bottom laser is even harder. Wall jump down and keep wall jumping to stay over the laser. When the laser is about to dissipate, drop down and run to the right, then wall jump and hold on the middle wall here. And again, wait for the laser to dissipate before you go across to the right to the other side. Continue east, drop down on the wooden platform, then drop down again. Go to the east and use the Spirit Well, then go to the west to see the Gumon again, who decides to jump down even further.

Follow him downward. Ignore the levels to the left and right, as you can't get past the obstacles on those levels right now with your current skills. At the bottom, open the Energy Gate if you have extra energy to spare. You can't go past the Energy Gate, but it's worth opening if you have the extra energy. To continue though, you need to go east of the Energy Gate. At the bridge, the Gumon automatically drops you into Gumo's Hideout.

Gumo's Hideout

There is a Map Stone here, but we don't have a map fragment stone yet. Go east, jumping over the spikes, to reach an area with moving stone platforms. These platforms smash together, and if you're caught in the middle when this happens, you die. There are horizontally moving stone platforms in the first part, and vertically moving ones in the second part. For now, stick to the first part. You need to drop down past these vertically moving stone platforms to the bottom, and then go right. To get past them, time your descent downward and go down each level as soon as the platforms have just smashed together.

At the bottom, do not hit the ground; instead, go on the right level. Here, continue east to reach your very first boss fight, or at least as much of a boss fight as you encounter in this game. For this fight, a long purple slime pops up from the ground that you're under and fires a projectile at you. The projectile, if it doesn't hit, leaves a purple blob that blows up and hurts you if you are too close.

Jump away while firing Spirit Flame at the boss.

To defeat this boss, you need to move just a little to the side when it pops up, just enough so that it doesn't hit you. After it pops up, spam Spirit Flame and dodge the projectile. Make sure you aren't close to the projectile blob or it will explode on you. After that, the boss will pop up under you again, and you're left to repeat the process. The key here is to spam Spirit Flame even when you're running away, and especially when it first pops up. Of course you need to stick and move throughout the fight so you are avoiding the slime and the projectile, but what's not as clear is that you need to spam Spirit Flame while you're dodging and running away from it.

After defeating the boss, wall jump up the right side and grab the Keystone, then go back to the area with the horizontally smashing stone platforms. Opposite you on the other side of the large pillar, you will find the Map Stone Fragment. After nabbing it, make your way back up the smashing platforms, then head west, back to the Map Stone, and insert the fragment so you have a map of this area. As you can see, there is a big west side of the area, but we need to explore the east side for now to get your next skill.

From the Map Stone, head east, back to the horizontal smashing stone platforms, and then continue east to find vertically smashing pillars. For this part, you need to be constantly pushing to the right so that you don't get squished. The key is just to be constantly pressing right so that you can get to the next pillar as soon as it is open. On the other side of the horizontal pillars, kill the frog and the spider, then drop down. To the right, you will see a Spirit Gate, and to the left, you will see two moving pillars on this lower level. The pillar has the second Keystone. To get it, you need to jump over the first pillar with the spikes, grab the Keystone, and jump back to the right. The timing here is as follows: jump over to the left pillar right after it smashes the ceiling, then jump back when both pillars are at midpoints.

The vertical smashing pillars area.

With both Keystones, head to the Spirit Gate and open it. Past it, jump over the spike platform and then wall jump down to the bottom level. You will have to wall jump from side to side so you don't hit spike platforms. At the bottom, go east, past the slime and the frog, to reach another skill tree. This one gives you the ability to perform a double jump! As you can imagine, this is quite useful and opens up a whole new world of movement for you. Practice double jumping around here, and be sure to double jump to the Spirit Container to the northwest of the tree.

Your first double jump test is getting back up the chasm with the spike platforms. You can do this now that you double jump. Be sure to time your double jumps so that you jump a second time when you are at the mid/end point of your first jump to maximize the distance of the jumps. Back at the spider and the frog, kill both then double jump up to the frog's previous perch. Continue double jumping up to the top, double jump over the spikes, kill the multiply slime, then drop down and double jump to the Energy Cell.

Go back to the center area with the Map Stone. You can now double jump to the right wall. From here, wall jump up it and then stand on the vertical log. You need to jump to the vertical log to the west. To do this, you need to double jump, but perform the second jump at the end of the first jump, which will maximize your distance and allow you to reach the second log.

Jump from the right log to the left log by double jumping at the very end.

Jump on the level to the right, and go west, then drop down and kill the spider. Continue dropping down and go east to reach a passageway with vertically smashing stones. Time your movement so you can start going through at the first available opportunity, then drop down in the center so you don't get smashed. From here, wait for the timing of the pillars, then jump up and go to the right side. From here, drop down. To the right you'll see an Energy Gate, which you can open if you have four energy. You can if you like, but what we're more interested in is the Ability Cell to the right. It seems like a deathtrap, but you can easily get to it with double jump. You need to slide down the wall and when you are very near the spikes, double jump over.

Head back to the center and open the Energy Gate. Push the stone so it blocks the laser, then head back up to the top of this area and go around to the other side. Kill the spider, then push the stone here down to the level with the laser. Since this level is already clear because of the other stone, continue pushing this stone to the center gap so it blocks the laser on the level below you.

Drop down to the bottom level. Beware of the projectile plants on both sides! For now, go west and dodge the projectiles by double jumping over. On the west wall, wall climb up and push the lever. This will turn off the laser, allowing you to push the lower stone. Push it down to the bottom. As you can see, these types of stone redirect the projectiles, hence the purple holes in them. Push the stone over so it is under the broken ceiling, and wait for the projectile to break the ceiling. Then, jump up and grab the Spirit Container and Energy Cell.

It's time to explore the west part of the map now. Head back to the moving stone pillars, then continue west to reach an area with contaminated water. Past it, double jump up the spikes. It might seem impossible, but you can if you wall jump and double jump. You will see the Gumon again, and you are presented with an even harder platforming obstacle. There are lots of spikes here, but you can wall jump and double jump past it. You should definitely Soul Link beforehand because it can take be difficult. You have to be creative with your double jumping. The hardest part is wall jumping on the little piece of wall in the bottom-left corner, but you can double jump over the spikes right after. From there, it's simple double jumping and wall jumping up to the top and over.

You should probably Soul Link after getting past this deathtrap, and you can also double jump to the Spirit Container to the left. Continue east to an area with spikes on the ground and vertically moving pillars coming down from the ceiling. Of course, you can't just jump down and get killed by the spikes, so you need to get past this part by wall jumping on the moving pillars. This might seem counterintuitive, but you need to wall jump on each pillar until it almost completely recedes in the ceiling, and then double jump to the next pillar. It might seem like you should double jump when the pillar is most down, but this is not the case.

This is a "safe area" in the rock falling sequence.

Past it, you see the Gumon again. Before pursuing him across the chasm, push the lever to open up the ground to the left, which will allow you to quickly get back here if you fall down again. Now jump across and follow the Gumon up this passageway. The Gumon will pull a lever here, which will make rocks fall. These rocks fall at a steady pace, and you need to get up to the Gumon while jumping around the rocks.

The rock scene is somewhat self-explanatory. Stick to the walls and away from the lanes where the rocks fall. There are a lot of cubby holes and safe places where you can just sit and see where you need to go next. At the top, Ori helps the Gumon, which is a very heartfelt act. Continue following the Gumon and he will cough up the Water Vein as a result of Ori's compassion and kindness.

With the Water Vein in hand, you can now get inside the Ginso Tree. But first, you need to backtrack all the way back to the Ginso Tree, which is at the very top of the map. It's quicker to wall jump and double jump up to the northwest at the area with two lasers, but you can also go east here; it will lead to the same place in the end. When you get to the tree, insert the Water Vein and go inside!

Ginso Tree

As you may have guessed, you need to go up the tree. To begin, destroy the purple plant on the hanging vertical plank to the right, then wall jump up the plank and jump to the right to a blue portal. When you go through the portal, you will appear from the other side of the screen. Destroy the purple plant in front of you, then get on the wooden plank. Destroy yet another purple plant above and jump on that plank.

Jump to the right and go through the portal. On the other side, jump on the plank and then kill the slime on the level to the right. On that level, jump on the plank and then go over to the blue portal on the left side of the screen. This portal leads up past the thorn vines. There are hanging pieces of tree bark in this area, but we'll just call them platforms. These platforms have flaming spikes going around them. You cannot kill these spikes; instead, you must jump over them while on the platforms.

For the red enemies, time your jumps so they don't run into you.

Get on the platform in front of you and then jump to the right to a portal. Through it, jump on the platform with the spike, then the next platform with the spike, and finally jump through the top-right portal. This will dump you off on the other side, on the leftmost platform. Jump up the last two platforms and go through the portal on the left. This leads to an area with a wind plant and a portal above it. Jump on the wind plant and go through the portal, then wall jump on the right wall. After that, double jump to the left platform and destroy all of the purple plants.

Drop down and double jump to the left, to the blue portal. Through it, jump up the wall and through the portal in the top-left corner. Head through the next portal with caution, as it will dump you off into thorns if you do not double jump. Instead, keep double jumping through the portals and you will reach land again. Through another portal and you are in an area with a projectile plant. You need to move some things in this area to get further in the game. First, go through the portal in the floor in the bottom-right part of the screen. Then, push the redirection stone to the left.

It will fall off and land below the projectile plant. And when a projectile goes through it, it will pop out the left side and break the tree wall blocking your path. After that, push the stone into the portal and it will return to its original location. Now jump up to the top-left part of the screen and push the other stone off the ledge. Then push it to the left so it is under the projectile plant. With this setup, the projectile will go through the first stone, redirect to the left and go through the portal there, then go down to the other stone on the middle platform, which will redirect it to the left and break the other wall. After this happens, pull the ground stone out of the way so you don't get hit, and go through the new portal.

This is the correct position for the redirection stones.

Break the crystal, pop out the life plant, then go through the top portal to reach a higher level. Here, you will have your second boss fight. This fight is similar to the first but actually easier! You have to kill a super ground slime and it basically functions the same way as the other ground slimes but it has more health and can pop out at five spots in the room. You can stay on the middle platform for the whole fight. Simply go to a side when it's firing a projectile, then move away while blasting the ground slime. It can be destroyed rather quickly. After the fight, jump up to the right and take the portal.

This level has two Keystones, both on the right side around thorn plants. It may seem impossible to get them without getting hurt, but this is where double jump comes to the rescue. First, take the portal below and then double jump to the middle platform. From here, drop down to the lower Keystone and double jump to the portal in the bottom-right corner of the screen. This portal leads to the portal in the top part of this thorny area. Right when you go through it, double jump to the right to grab the other keystone, then take the two portals again and double jump to the center platform. Go through the portal in the top-left corner to reach a new area.

This area has the Spirit Gate and two more Keystones. Of course, we need to get both Keystones first! To the platform west of the Spirit Gate, drop down and double jump to the left and go through the portal here. This portal immediately dumps you out the top portal and you have to double jump immediately to the left. You end up on a tree branch, but it quickly breaks, so be prepared to double jump to the left after you nab the first Keystone. Now use the wind plant to go through the portal in the top-left corner of the screen. This brings you to the second Keystone. Go through the east portal here and you are dumped back out near the Spirit Gate. Insert all the Keystones and go through the portal behind the Spirit Gate.

The two Keystones in their respective areas.

This leads to a tree that bestows the Bash skill upon you! This opens up a lot of movement opportunities; you can bash off of enemy projectiles and lamps, and you can even bash off of enemies themselves! For now, get used to the bash mechanic by bashing on the lantern and up to the Spirit Container to the northwest of the tree. After that, use bash on the lantern to the left part of the room to fly up to the portal on the top-left of the screen. Through it, bash on the frog as it is jumping down and then double jump to the top-left platform.

Wall jump up to the next level, which has a projectile plant. Wait for the projectile to be in the middle, then jump to it and use bash to spring to the right side. Wall jump up and avoid the plant projectiles as you get to the center of the level. Here, use bash so it faces upward, which will make the projectile go down and hit the weak tree branch. There is a Spirit Container here. Now do the same thing but bash the projectile so it goes upward to break the top branch. From here, bash yet another time to spring upward, then wall jump up to the next level.

You reach an area with a plant projectile firing downward, pretty frivolously hitting the ground, with a portal to the left. You must bash a projectile through the portal; it will come out of the right portal and hit the weak wall in the center. You can also repeat this process to get the Spirit Container below the weak ground. To do this, you need to bash twice; the second time, you need to be up on the level and bash downward.

Bash the projectile from this plant through the portal to break the wall above.

As you go up, you will encounter ground slimes. Remember that they throw a big projectile at you? Yes, you can bash it! Use the projectiles to bash upwards so you can get up to the top ground slime. From here, go over to the middle-left part of the screen and bash a projectile into the weak ground on the left. You need to aim high, almost completely level, to get it to open. Go through the newly-opened way, drop down, then go through the portal to find an Energy Cell! Go back the way you came by using the ground slime projectiles to bash yourself back up.

Back at the upper ground slime, bash up and then bash using the lantern. Here, there is a Keystone, but it's right above a bed of thorns. There are two lanterns here that you'll need to use. Using the nearest lantern, bash northwest, toward the second lantern, but do not bash through the second lantern. Instead, drop down, get the Keystone, and double jump to the right, then bash the lantern again. I recommend bashing back to land and Soul Linking, since you'll have to do a lot more of this to get the other three Keystones here.

Bash your way through the portal on the left, then bash up and grab the Keystone but drop back down to the same lantern and bash again, grabbing the other Keystone. Double jump to the center lantern, bash to the Keystone on the left, then go through all of the lanterns again and bash your way up to the top level. Use the Keystones to open the Spirit Gate. Behind the Spirit Gate, go through the portal and then double jump to the center of the room.

Bash and double jump around here to get the Keystones.

This is your third boss fight. The boss spits projectiles down at you, and the only way to damage it is to bash the projectiles back at it. There are three platforms that you can stand on, but each goes up and down. Obviously, you need to jump off the platform when it recedes into the thorns! This boss is a good exercise in bashing projectiles while constantly moving. You should jump to the elevating platform, bash the projectile, then jump to the next elevating platform. It can be hard if you're not used to bashing, but this is a great fight to get practice on it.

Go through the newly-opened gate to the right and save/restore at the Spirit Well. Head back to the center platform. You see the lantern above that you can't quite double jump to? This may seem entirely hopeless, but remember we have other skills as well! From the center platform, double jump to the left and wall jump up the wall, then jump to the right and bash up to the next level.

This room contains the heart of the tree, which has been infected by the purple plants. You need to destroy all of the purple plants; this involves getting up on each side of the heart and destroying them. To begin, take the west side first. In this area, you need to use the enemies and their projectiles to bash your way to the top. There is a weak wall here that blocks your way. Use the spider's projectile in the top-right of the room to break it; it's a long shot, but it works. Through the newly opened way, jump down and Spirit Flame the purple plants to destroy half of the ones on the heart. Drop down back to the center and go to the east area this time.

Let the spider fire a projectile at you like this, then bash it to the cracked wall.

The east side of the tree is EXTREMELY difficult. There is a projectile plant and multiple redirection stones throughout the area. You need to use the plant's projectile to break the wall in the upper-left part of the screen. To get the projectile there, you need to bash it through each of the redirection stones. This is NOT easy and you can easily find yourself doing this a dozen times before you get it. The key is that it just needs to hit the hole of stone, it does not need to go perfectly through it! And at the third stone (in the upper right part of the room), you need to bash horizontally over to it to get there quickly. Then bash the projectile up through that stone, and double jump twice to reach the left side of the room. From here, bash the projectile upward so it goes through the redirection stone and breaks the wall. It is not easy by any means and you will have to be used to bashing before you can get it right.

When you get the wall down, head through and destroy the other side of the purple plants. Drop back down in front of the tree and "listen."

Escape from Ginso Tree

This escape is absolutely BRUTAL. If you die at any point, you have to restart the escape scene all over again! It is truly a trial-and-error situation. You can't let the water engulf you, or you die. The water rises at a relatively fast pace, but you have more than enough time to get through each area. It's just super hard if you haven't done it and died before. Just please do NOT ragequit! It is possible!

In the beginning, you'll mainly be bashing upwards with lanterns. After that, it's all about enemies and their projectiles. Just bash off of everything that you see and fly upwards. You also need to double jump often, and there is a little wall jumping involved if you miss a bash. Basically, though, you should be able to bash your way all the top. The hard part is the middle portion where you have to bash enemies and their projectiles because sometimes they just don't respond as fast as you'd like.

Bash up the lanterns to the top.

It is truly a trial-and-error situation and also dependent on how well you can bash. Do not get too frustrated! Just take the deaths as you learn a little more and more about the route. There are a few other escape scenes in this game, and they are all just as hard. This is truly the most difficult part of the game, and it's mainly because you can't save in the middle. If you die at the end, you have to do the whole thing over again! But it IS possible, it just takes time to learn the route and be quick enough.


Source: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/xboxone/805488-ori-and-the-blind-forest/faqs/71410

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